Vagas para Promotor De Vendas – Jau – Jaú, SP – Salário: R$ 1.172,00 (Bruto mensal)

Promotor De Vendas – Jau

Horas de trabalho: Período Integral
Área e especialização profissional: Comercial, Vendas – Demonstrador / Promotor

Nível hierárquico: Operacional

Local de trabalho: Jaú, SP

Ira realizar abordagem de clientes em PDV, vendas dos produtos da telefonia, ações promocionais em lojas e demais atividades da área.

Escolaridade Mínima: Ensino Médio (2º Grau)

Auxílio Educação, Comissões, Vale-refeição, Vale-transporte


    Assistência médica

  • Assistência odontológica
  • Participação nos Lucros ou Resultados
  • Seguro de vida
  • Vale alimentação
  • Vale-refeição
  • Vale-transporte

É IMPORTANTE VOCÊ SABER O Site atua APENAS na divulgação de vagas. Não realizamos seleção e/ou contratação. Pedimos que leia sempre com muita atenção todos os dados da vaga antes de se candidatar. Envie currículo apenas para as vagas que corresponda ao seu perfil. O Site não faz nenhum tipo de cobrança financeira dos usuários do site. Fique atendo a cobranças de empresas terceiras para serviços de recolocação profissional ou promessas de emprego. A finalidade do nosso site é exclusivamente divulgar vagas de emprego GRATUITAMENTE. O envio do seu currículo através da nossa plataforma não é garantia de agendamento de entrevista e/ou seleção. Não possuímos nenhum envolvimento ou participação no processo seletivo. é gratuito hoje, amanhã e sempre.

Como explicado acima, segue o link para o artigo original da vaga

During the battle, the six elders still had no fear Pass and caused constant mental pressure on their opponents Ha ha ha, the road is one foot high, the devil is one foot. If there are really strong enemies coming, they are really not sure they can hold on. We have to help the gentleman, you can say 98-369 Online Exam that you are the best candidate Everyone said to Zhu Yang. They only ask for Hongxiong to ask for help The sovereign, save us. Is it finally coming? Xia Fanchen lay on the ground and felt nervous after the strong enemy arrived You know, he hasnt fully recovered yet If he faces his opponent now, he is really not sure. Xia Fanchen took back the long gun and punched it on Online Shop the head of a cleareyed monkey Shoot it and collect it again. You are not Exams qualified to talk to me now, even PDF if you kneel down and ask me, I will not give you such an opportunity Xia Fanchen Dumps PDF said coldly to his opponent. I am watching your Test PDF Study Guide cultivation every day, but can Demo Download you beat me? I tell you, no talent, no matter how to cultivate, it is useless. The 700-260 Exam Paper PDF confrontation between the two, Xia Fanchen also did not fall below the wind. The disapproval of the violent disciples was seen by Hong Lie, and he was really angry. The elders did not hesitate, and immediately said to Xia Fanchen. Cert Now he looks at Xia Fanchen with some fear, for fear that Xia Fanchen will once again entangle himself. Hey, dont you really admit defeat? Philip said coldly to his opponent He is now heavily slamming his feet under his feet. Xia Fanchen finally only compromised, and said to Lei Zheng and Lei Tian Okay, lets swear together. The black robes also Practice Test found that everyone in the Foundry Guild had begun to pay Cert Exam attention to him, but he did not care What he needs to do now is to fully cast his own work. He did not Exam Test think that Xia Fanchens bottom line is actually not thirtysix. For the entire three days, in the room of Xia Fanchen, the impact sound did not stop. Now your Zhu family has just stabilized, or ask the family to speak.