Vagas para Project & Analytics Manager – São Paulo

Project & Analytics Manager

Separamos os principais detalhes sobre a vaga

Cargo principal: Project & Analytics Manager

Salário: Salário a combinar

Local de trabalho: São Paulo


Detalhes da vaga fornecidos pelo contratante:

Summary Description of Position:
Deployment coordination of global and regional standard processes and systems;
Own IT target landscape definition (in coordination with GCCs), system design and roadmap for – platform dedicated – systems;
Approve and Manage IT Project budget (CAPEX);
Deploy global project – Platform and Functions dedicated – target systems;
Attend business expectations implementing the Project scope defined;
Support the Business Partner in order to define and present annual budget plan for business initiatives (CAPEX);
Capacity Management control (People).
Description of Responsibilities
Owner of the Project methodology execution aligned with Global PMO;
Manages Project methodology and the relationships with Business;
Establish strong links and working relationships with other IT managers through meetings routine;
Establish strong links and working relationships with other Business area;
Manages multi region problems and escalates major problems to the Regional and Global structures;
Deploy global target systems when delegated by Global team after proper hand-over of deployment kit;
Application roadmap definition for the Region needs aligned with Global strategy;
Identify and execute application decommission of regional legacy systems;
Support the Businesses areas as Business partner, understanding the business needs and defining a System design;
Handover to Run execution;
Contribute to the core systems design bringing the regional inputs;
Collaborate with the Corporate platform to understand their business, strategy, stakes, plans, constraints, open and hidden needs, expectations;
Be up to date and understand all IT initiatives and activities worldwide impacting the platform;
Chair regular IT-Platform business reviews (strategic directions, worldwide initiatives, IT performance and budget, portfolio review and prioritization etc);
Work with the platform and IT governance to design, implement and improve global / Regional processes;
Mange the Project Budget defined;
Engineering/Technical University degree Level, Business Administration;
MBA in Finance or Business Administration desired.
Professional background:
Service Operations management;
Project Management.
Skills and Competences:
Excellent understanding of the Project management processes and IT Provider services;
Excellent negotiation competencies;
Business Understanding and how IT contributes to delivery of Services;
Business Oriented;
Vendor Management.

Sobre a empresa:

With 12,000 people in 35 countries, COFCO International is the overseas agriculture business platform for COFCO Corporation, China’s largest food and agriculture company. COFCO International is focused on being a leader in the global grains, oilseeds and sugar supply chains, with assets across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific.  The company trades with over 50 nations, while providing farmers unique direct access to the growing Chinese market. In 2017, COFCO International handled over 100 million tonnes of related commodities with revenues of $34bn.  The company is accelerating its growth to create a world-class integrated global agriculture supply chain, anchored in China and competing globally.


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Como explicado acima, segue o link para o artigo original da vaga